Demand Generation Specialist - Spanish speaking
Budapest, XIII. kerület

Demand Generation Specialist - Spanish speaking

Hivatkozási szám WHCSZ12173
Demand Generation Specialist - Spanish speaking

Budapest, XIII. kerület Vissza Demand Generation Specialist - Spanish speaking Hivatkozási szám WHCSZ12173

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Our partner's name is known globally with a significant presence worldwide in numerous business areas. 100% American/multinational identity company. We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Sales Support Specialist to join our team.


  • Initiate, build and maintain relationships with customers by providing the right content at the right time through the right channel (via phone, email and others) for best customer experience
  • Promote the company's products and services
  • Capture all relevant information during customer interactions and register them in CRM tools
  • Handle customers’ incoming requests, provide necessary support and provide proposals based on customer specified information OR route the request to Field sales (depending on campaign and/or business rules, qualifying the request and providing well defined interests)
  • Identify sales opportunities with new and existing customers through different channels (phone, email, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, other sales tools)


  • Experience in B2B/B2C sales and out-bound call is a must
  • Native or close-to-native skills in Spanish and fluency in English
  • Ability to work in a team or individually if required, and remotely
  • Proven account management and project planning skills
  • Sales mindset and ability to provide excellent customer service, customer-focused approach
  • Knowledge in social media and lead generation through social media
Our partner's name is known globally with a significant presence worldwide in numerous business areas. 100% American/multinational identity company. We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Sales Support Specialist to join our team.
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